In Educating Faith, Dr. Joyce Bellous describes an education that encourages people to make authentic connections with Scripture, Christian culture and tradition, so that they think critically, and at the same time, learn to follow God. Scripture teaches that faith is a gift and also shows that it must be learned. It needs an education. Faith education is transformative because, as faith matures, believers move from naiveté (simple faith), to critical reflection, and finally they achieve a second naiveté, at which point they know and understand the faith they hold purposefully and that sustains them. Educating Faith explores two parts of the transformation of faith. The first part is “spiritual”—something everyone needs whether or not they are religious. The second part is Christian. If the parts join, learners communicate with God and other people in spiritual conversation and come to know the fullness of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. These two parts are necessary if we hope to become what God intends for us.