We each make a difference... differently
To be spiritual means we all have an ability to develop a felt sense of connection to people and places, even to ideas. This allows us to interact with the world and to contribute to it, as children and adults.
In the Spiritual Styles Assessment, we describe the tools that people use to make the world a better place, and we identify these tools in four groups:
word, emotion, symbol, action.
These groups form a “style” which is our unique way of improving a situation or helping the world. We all do this differently, however, which can complicate things! The Spiritual Styles Assessment helps us better understand ourselves as well as those around us. This in turn helps us work with and relate better to others as we contribute to the world.
The Spiritual Styles Assessment is the outcome of a collaboration among three key people: Joyce E. Bellous, David M. Csinos and Denise A. Peltomaki. The adult assessment is the result of work they did together in 2009. In particular, David Csinos’s Master thesis relied on Spiritual Styles for its explanatory framework. His research is published as Children’s Ministry That Fits: Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Approaches to Nurturing Children’s Spirituality. The Children’s Version of Spiritual Styles Assessment was further developed by Karen L. Bellous, who wrote three of the four childhood-based scenarios.